The Dog Food Advisor is a public service website designed to help you make a more informed decision when buying dog food.

From Mike Sagman, Editor
If you love your dog as much as I love mine, you’re probably concerned about how to find a safe and healthy food to nourish her. What’s more, you’d probably like to know a little about me and how my website can help you.
I’m a graduate of the Medical College of Virginia with a doctorate in dental surgery.
My undergraduate studies include a major in chemistry and a minor in biology.
In addition to my professional studies in human nutrition, I’ve also cultivated a personal passion for canine nutrition, too.
Our current team includes two dedicated research assistants, an experienced social media admin as well as one extraordinarily knowledgeable (and generous) veterinarian.
We Know Things About Dog Food Even Your Vet Doesn’t Know
No question about it. Your veterinarian can be a valuable source of information about canine nutrition.
There’s a lot more to know about dog food than canine nutrition.
Since 2008, my staff and I have researched, reviewed and rated more than 5,373 dog food products.
We know who actually makes each dog food, the brand’s recall history and the company’s safety practices.
We know how to read labels… and how to correctly interpret a recipe’s nutritional content.
We also know how to find out where the ingredients come from, which additives are safe and which ones are toxic…
Plus dozens of other important facts and statistics about every product.
We’ve also uncovered, investigated and announced some 212 dog food and dog treat recall events.
Every known recall that’s occurred within the United States and Canada — dating back to 2009.
In addition, because of our reputation for fairness, we also receive a continuous flood of insider tips and confidential information from our private network of:
Pet food company executives
Industry thought leaders
Product designers

Inside information not available anywhere else on the Internet.
We Obsess Over Dog Food So You Don’t Have To
The Dog Food Advisor’s approach to evaluating dog food is based on one very important principle:
How can any dog food ever be magically better than the ingredients that were used to make it?
That’s why it’s so important for you to know what’s actually in your dog’s food — before you buy it. And the only reliable way we know to do that is to carefully examine the label.
Where We Get Our Information
The many articles and reports you’ll find here are the direct result of information we’ve personally aggregated from readily available public sources.
These sources include books, peer-reviewed journals and published research available at the United States National Institute of Health PubMed libraries.
And, of course, more importantly, from government-regulated pet food labels, too.
Who Owns the Dog Food Advisor?
The Dog Food Advisor is privately owned. We’re not affiliated — in any way — with the pet food industry.
We do not accept money or samples from dog food companies in exchange for special consideration in the preparation of our reviews or ratings.
In addition, to avoid any influence from the industry itself:
We do not accept or allow paid advertising from pet food manufacturers.
To learn how we support the cost of operating this website, please feel free to visit our public Disclosure and Disclaimer page.
Why I Created The Dog Food Advisor
What really made me so passionate about canine nutrition was the result of a personal tragedy. In 2007, I lost a wonderful little shelter dog named Penny to my unquestioned trust of commercial pet food.
So, after that heartbreaking experience I made it my personal goal to never again let anything like that happen to any dog in my care.
And I’d like to help you make sure what happened to Penny could never happen to your dog either.
How You Can Help
Have you ever bought a dog food and discovered something about it you didn’t like? Or maybe you finally found one you believe is the perfect choice for your dog.
Here’s how you can help…
Simply share what you know about any dog food we review.
Your personal experience with different dog foods could provide valuable information for everyone. So, please leave your comments and opinions after any review you read.
We’d love to hear from you. And so would the rest of the world’s dog lovers.
Speak Up for Dogs
By the way, be sure to visit The Dog Food Advisor’s community action website, Speak Up for Dogs.
Mike Sagman, Editor The Dog Food Advisor